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Cronite at Bois-Energie in Nantes

Cronite at Bois-Energie in Nantes


We are at Bois-Energie in Nantes in partnership with TISKA France et DAMRYS. 29-30 January 2020 

Visit us on Stand Hall2 – Z24 !!

The Salon Bois Energie for Industry and Municipalities  is the reference event for the industry and municipality wood energy sector in France and represents the largest gathering of stakeholders, with typically more than 125 exhibitors and represented companies from across 10 European countries present and 3000 professional visitors.

The Exhibition is an annual event with a broad programme over two days encompassing a rich international conference with simultaneous translationinternational business meetingsstudy tours, the innovation competition and two parallel complementary events for biomass/waste to energy.

More informations at https://www.boisenergie.com/en/


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